Statistics, Facts, and Information about Virtual Mailboxes

Updated on April 11, 2022

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Statistics and Facts about virtual mailboxes

Our analytical data, open sources, and the results of web surveys are the base for these statistical facts.

“Virtual mailboxes are most in-demand in megacities”

The virtual mailbox service is most popular in US cities with high business activity, a great number of startups, and expatriates from various countries. Among the cities, the leaders are Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston, and, of course, New York.

“More than 60% of virtual mailbox users in the world are Americans”

Residents of the United States rent more than 60% of American virtual addresses, and residents of other countries rent only about 40%.

“In addition to the United States, virtual mail services are most in-demand in other English-speaking countries – Canada, Australia, the UK”

Among the rest of the world, virtual mailboxes are most in-demand in English-speaking countries – Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. There is also a relatively large proportion among Asian residents (China, India, Japan).

“More than 70% of users of virtual mailboxes are men”

Most often, men rent virtual mailboxes (according to statistics, more than 70%). Women use the services of virtual mailboxes much less (less than 30%).

“People aged 25 to 45 use the capabilities of virtual mail more often than the older generation”

The most active users are young people aged 25 to 45 years. Older people also use virtual mail services, but the share of people over 60 in the total number of users is less than 5%.

“Number of locations to choose from in various countries: Australia (41), Canada (26), China (15), Great Britain (7) and Switzerland (4)” *according to Anytime Mailbox

Both US and other countries can rent a virtual postal address. In some countries, you can choose from several locations (depending on the virtual mail provider). According to Anytime Mailbox, Australia (41), Canada (26), China (15), Great Britain (7), and Switzerland (4) are the leaders in the number of possible locations.

“Leaders in the number of locations among the various US states: California (206), Florida (122), North Carolina (34), Texas (152), and New York (76)”

“The most exotic countries with the ability to have a virtual address are Slovakia, Singapore, Bulgaria, Philippines, Cyprus, Ukraine, and Grenada”

The most exotic countries where you can rent a virtual mailbox from different providers are Slovakia, Singapore, Bulgaria, the Philippines, Cyprus, Ukraine, and Grenada.